Keeping up with current trends in search engine optimization and content marketing online can be quite the dubious task. You’ve read all the blogs, attempted to follow the search engine algorithms the best you can and put forth great effort to maximize your exposure online to potential customers. In 2020, it’s easy to say that, content is king. Your digital marketing and SEO strategy should include a primary focus on quality, long-form content. Compelling, informative copy for your website and social media channels is no longer going to be enough.
Remember that your website is working for you around the clock, hopefully driving in potential new customers to your drug rehabilitation center. Having quality content, that stands out in the crowd will drive people to your business and increase your ranking in the search engine results pages. With all of this in mind, let’s look at some key digital marketing trends that will affect your addiction treatment center’s marketing in 2020.
1. Dig deeper into your topics…
way deeper.
The addiction treatment centers who are running away with the majority of online traffic have insightful content, that digs deep into subjects that commonly affect the vulnerable population of alcohol and drug addicts in the United States. With much of the focus on the opioid epidemic in today’s news media, your treatment center’s digital content can easily be drowned-out in the rapid news cycle surrounding addiction and the alarming number of drug overdose deaths in America.
Thoroughly-researched, comprehensive long-form blog content will not only keep your facility in the running for top placement in SERP queries, it will also greatly benefit the overall user experience of your webpages. This is where the rubber meets the road in addiction recovery marketing efforts. Remember, your business exists, primarily to help people who are struggling with addiction. The more original, quality content you create, the better-suited your drug treatment facility will be to truly help those who need it most.

2. Speak specifically to your ideal prospects.
If your alcohol and drug rehabilitation specializes in a certain form of treatment or serves a specific population, you should focus your website’s copy to these prospects. Content personalization is the new norm for digital marketing agencies. This practice entails serving unique content, based on your individual user’s personal needs. This applies to the content on your website, your outbound email marketing campaigns, social media posting schedules, online advertising and even mobile apps.
Personalization of content based on an incoming user’s browsing history, demographics and personal preferences will go great lengths to build your brand as a valuable resource for information to people seeking treatment for their addiction. Content personalization can assist in building customer loyalty, enhancing their experiences with your resources, while delivering a solid, measurable return on investment.

3. Be authentic and genuine in your brand’s messaging.
Helping people overcome their substance use disorders is a very personal and private matter. This is an ideal time to demonstrate your drug rehab center’s authenticity with an honest, caring approach to your treatment program’s promotional content.
A 2016 study, published by Cohn & Wolfe showed that protecting consumer privacy is now considered a decisive variable in demonstrating a brand’s authenticity. This could not be overstated in any sector of the health care industry.
The field of addiction treatment is no different, as making a transparent and trustworthy perception for your business is necessary to drive consumer action. Responding to online reviews in a timely, professional manner, while standing behind the components and goals of your treatment program will go a long way in demonstrating your treatment program’s authenticity. Approaching all of your content creation with an underlying compassionate and caring tone will make people who visit your site feel safe. All of this will go great lengths to promote your brand’s overall trustworthiness and authenticity.

4. Optimize your website’s landing pages by placing key messages first.
Visitors to various drug rehab center’s websites are quick to bounce if they don’t find the content they’re looking for right away. Visitors to your website are often fickle and in a hurry to find the right message at the right time. Your landing page is not the time for teasers, games, or tricky wordplay.
The best plan of action is to get right down to business. Highlight and promote your key topics in easy-to-read headers, sub-headings, bullet-point lists and taglines. Always be sure to include some hyper-linking of important topics, just in case the reader wants to dive deeper into specific subject matter.

5. For organic content rankings, blogs are no longer the end-all, be-all.
Don’t get us wrong, blogs are great sources to generate organic traffic from search engine results. Targeting specific sub-topics of substance abuse and addiction are incredibly valuable to the people who are seeking help with their addiction. Yet, some of your potential clients are not going to be big readers. A lot of internet users will prefer video or audio content as opposed to reading a deeply-concentrated thousand-word plus blog article.
Savvy marketers have latched onto this concept, creating new avenues to get your message out to your consumers: YouTube videos, podcasts, webinars and live chat sessions are all effective ways to generate user interactions with your brand. Today, virtually everyone has the internet at their fingertips, at all times. Your potential customers are spending a large portion of their days consuming content. According to the worldwide marketing and consumer experts at Nielsen, adults in the United States spend nearly half of their days (11 hours on average) interacting with media.

Use these trends to invest in content creation, the right way.
Generating the greatest impact from your digital content requires investment, strategy and impeccable timing. Covering all of these bases can seem overwhelming, especially for the smaller addiction treatment centers who are simply trying to keep their heads above water. Investing in content creation has become an essential part of any company’s marketing and advertising budget.
If your brand isn’t generating quality, relatable and informative content, you are simply losing out on a lot of potential revenue. Content is a major basis for your treatment facility’s search engine rankings, so you absolutely must begin investing in high-quality content generation. Otherwise, your substance abuse treatment center will get left in the dust by the treatment facilities who do.
Valid Resource offers a comprehensive digital marketing strategy suite that encompasses a broad approach to valuable, effective content creation. Valid Resource has an Emmy Award-winning video producer on staff with a state of the art video production studio in Lake Forest, California. Our digital marketing team in Boise, Idaho have well over a decade of experience in internet marketing and advertising. As part of the Google Partners program, our Boise team has the insight to separate results-driven actions from the meaningless hype.
Get in touch with us today, to see if we can help your alcohol and drug addiction treatment center achieve true greatness in the modern marketplace. We would love to hear from you.
Drew is Head of Content Redbear Films where he leads the charge in emerging media, creative and, of course, wizardry. Embracing today’s media landscape of real-time data, co-creation with consumers, branded entertainment, and almost limitless channel combinations, Drew is pioneering exciting new ways to develop lasting conversations between brands and consumers.