You help people feel better. We help you find those people.
You signed up to make this world a better place.
We get clients to notice you. It's that simple.
All right, maybe not that simple but it is to us. Before we started specializing in Health and Wellness marketing, we worked with some of the biggest brands in the world.
We won't name drop (*cough - Southwest Airlines, Toshiba, Nike, Taco Bell, Jaguar), but we learned a few things. In fact, a lot of things. We took this knowledge and applied it to your industry and man, did it work.
"These are guys who, when they says they’re going to do something for you, then watch #$%! out because they’re going to do it. That, to me, is a team that you want on your side."
We believe that every company needs to excel in three areas of their marketing plan. Think of it as a three-legged table. If one of those legs is weak or gets kicked out, then the table topples over.
Take a look at what we are talking about .
What about my competitor in the next town?
That's a good question and you bring up an important point. Because what we do is so powerful for our clients, we can only work with one facility per geographical area. Otherwise we would be forced to work twice as hard for half the result and that makes no one happy. Unfortunately, we've had to turn away some facilities because we already serviced an ethical addiction treatment facility or a senior care facility in their area.
Of course, we take into account the type of service you offer as well as the number of clients you can service. When we consistently fill the census for a facility in a high traffic area then we are comfortable to bring on a second facility and handle their health and wellness marketing as well.

Call now to see if your area is still available.