
How Do I Find Qualified Staff for My Drug Rehab Center?

KreedDrug Rehab Marketing

If you work in the field of addiction treatment, you know how important your work is. You spend your professional time helping people rebuild their lives from the dangerous disease of addiction and substance abuse. If you act in a …


10 Low Budget Ideas to Market your Drug and Alcohol Rehab Facility.

Drew LewisDrug Rehab Marketing

Let’s face it. If you own a drug and alcohol rehab facility, marketing your business has become harder than ever. You want your rehab facility to grow, but how do you make that happen without blowing the bank? It’s easy …


Why Can’t My Drug Rehab Advertise on Google?

Paul ChastainDrug Rehab Marketing

If you are reading this, I don’t need to tell you that surviving in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab market has been tough over the past few years. The government’s crackdown on shady rehab centers and their advertising have …


Valid Resource: A Solution to the American Addiction Crisis

KreedDrug Rehab Marketing

Alcohol and drug rehab is a $35 billion dollar a year industry in the United States. There are currently more than one thousand drug treatment centers operating in the greater Los Angeles area alone.  While many of these facilities have …