
Why Video Marketing Online is the Best for PPO Insurances

KreedDrug Rehab Marketing

Why Video Marketing Online is the Best for PPO Insurances

As a full service marketing and advertising agency for addiction treatment centers, we get asked all the time: “what is the best way to market my drug rehab online?”

Why Video Marketing Online is the Best for PPO Insurances

As a full service marketing and advertising agency for addiction treatment centers, we get asked all the time: “what is the best way to market my drug rehab online?”

When we get asked: “what is the best way to market my drug rehab online?” we always answer that question with the same response: The best marketing strategy for addiction treatment programs will cover many different angles, but a strong focus should be with online video marketing.

So many addiction treatment programs throw away a large portion of their advertising budget on marketing strategies that simply do not produce the intended results. It just doesn’t work and if you’re reading this, you’ve probably witnessed some advertising that didn’t hit the mark. In this article, we are going to show you why your addiction treatment center should be focusing more of your allocated ad spend in digital video marketing platforms.

Studies have shown that young adults (ages 18-29) watch the most of their content online. In fact, YouTube alone has 36% more reach than traditional TV for 18 to 49 year olds.

As we watch the population age, everything will eventually be online, including your primary marketing strategy and advertising focus. Everything we do in life is essentially marketing. If you’re reading this article, it is likely you are doing it as a part of your marketing efforts for your addiction treatment facility. What is the primary goal of any marketing or advertising campaign? Making the phone ring, which gets new clients coming in your door. Marketing is what helps you not only keep your doors open, but also serves to grow your business in this constantly evolving marketplace.

YouTube Ads Work!

YouTube has 36% more reach, than traditional TV
for 18 to 49 year olds.

YouTube Ads Work!

YouTube has 36% more reach, than traditional TV
for 18 to 49 year olds.

Traffic is the same to digital marketing, as location is to real estate. More customers visiting your website will ultimately increase your bottom line.

Digital advertising is certainly nothing new. But online marketing has reached a new threshold recently, where it is surpassing traditional print, radio and television media. This has become true, especially within younger audiences. Having awareness of this trend is incredibly important for someone who is marketing an addiction treatment program, or drug rehab facility.

Online marketing is absolutely essential to target the demographic with the highest rate of substance abuse when compared to other age groups. According to the NIDA, (the National Institute on Drug Abuse), drug use is highest amongst people in their late teens and early twenties.

Couple this with the fact that young adults (age 18-25) are the largest group of people who abuse prescription painkillers, (including opioids), prescription stimulants, (such as Adderall or Ritalin) and anti-anxiety medications (like Xanax or Valium).

Young adults in the 18-26 age range are also the more likely to be covered by a PPO insurance plan. The Affordable Care Act mandates that coverage must continue by their parent’s insurance policy until the person is 26 years old. If you’re looking for popular, in-network plans and you want to market to young adults with these policies, online digital advertising is definitely the new way to go.

While providing information and addiction recovery resources, the best way to connect and engage with potential patients is with online video marketing.

Video is a great way to share a story with your target audience.

It is easier to convey emotional storytelling with sight and sound that connects a viewer’s emotions with your messaging. Compelling imagery, combined with powerful, emotional music in the background is crucial to driving your point across.

Take for example, a Valid Resource video ad we did for 10 Acre Ranch alcohol and drug treatment facility in Riverside, California. Compelling, unique imagery of families getting together, with positive, empowering music in the background tells a story of a young family member coming home from treatment. It is emotional, because it tells the story of uncertainty in the world of struggling with addiction. Anyone who knows that kind of pain can surely relate to this piece of video content and that is exactly what you want to do with any piece of advertising or marketing. This is true across the board, whether it be traditional radio, print or television media, or with an online digital media marketing campaign.

Our 10 Acre Ranch video ad connected with audiences so well that Valid Resource received an Emmy nomination for the short, 30 second spot.

This Emmy-nominated video was just one aspect of our comprehensive marketing plan that got 10 Acre Ranch an 822% increase in online traffic to their website, while increasing their call volume from 2 calls a day, to 30 calls per day. You can read their entire case study here.

Research shows that digital video marketing can increase brand awareness and consumer confidence in the brand name. Creating quality video content that relates to your target audience is crucial. As a drug rehabilitation center, you probably already know who your target audience is. Typically you are going after adults who are struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol.

Your marketing and video messages may also be targeted at the parents, spouses or other family members who have become impacted by the addiction. This concern for their loved one will compel them to seek out relevant information about how to help them recover from their addiction.

While providing information and addiction recovery resources, the best way to connect and engage with potential patients is with online video marketing.

Video is a great way to share a story with your target audience.

It is easier to convey emotional storytelling with sight and sound that connects a viewer’s emotions with your messaging. Compelling imagery, combined with powerful, emotional music in the background is crucial to driving your point across.

Take for example, a Valid Resource video ad we did for 10 Acre Ranch alcohol and drug treatment facility in Riverside, California. Compelling, unique imagery of families getting together, with positive, empowering music in the background tells a story of a young family member coming home from treatment. It is emotional, because it tells the story of uncertainty in the world of struggling with addiction. Anyone who knows that kind of pain can surely relate to this piece of video content and that is exactly what you want to do with any piece of advertising or marketing. This is true across the board, whether it be traditional radio, print or television media, or with an online digital media marketing campaign.

Our 10 Acre Ranch video ad connected with audiences so well that Valid Resource received an Emmy nomination for the short, 30 second spot.

This Emmy-nominated video was just one aspect of our comprehensive marketing plan that got 10 Acre Ranch an 822% increase in online traffic to their website, while increasing their call volume from 2 calls a day, to 30 calls per day. You can read their entire case study here.

Research shows that digital video marketing can increase brand awareness and consumer confidence in the brand name. Creating quality video content that relates to your target audience is crucial. As a drug rehabilitation center, you probably already know who your target audience is. Typically you are going after adults who are struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol.

Your marketing and video messages may also be targeted at the parents, spouses or other family members who have become impacted by the addiction. This concern for their loved one will compel them to seek out relevant information about how to help them recover from their addiction.

In all, 80% of Americans search for health care information online. That’s over 93 million people you could be reaching with targeted, measurable ads.


Informational videos offer your potential customers real value, while helping establish your business as a trusted online authority.

Is Video Marketing Right For You?
Creating video content that isn’t purely for advertisement purposes can be, well… Good advertising!

We’ve seen a lot of success with digging deeper into content that examines the different types of addiction, how different types of illicit drugs affect your body, what different types of treatment programs exist, etc. These videos are great opportunities to showcase your knowledge on the subject and actually help those who need help.

That’s why we do what we do. We want to see people turn their lives around and live healthy, productive lives. We sincerely hope that’s why you’ve entered the addiction treatment industry too. If you are out to operate an ethical, results-driven, evidence-based addiction treatment program we want to help you. Schedule a call with us today.